Mission Statement

What does “shot from guns” mean? It’s simple. When properly channeled, revolutionary ideas and creative energy are sparked and fired from the mind as if shot from guns. The purpose of this blog is to create a forum where fresh, ripe minds can learn new things about the ever changing and evolving art underground. It’s a place where ideas can be exchanged and people can be turned onto new artists and movements.

I am the founder of this blog, but not the only voice. Talented contributing writers, constructive opinions,  and feedback are always welcome and encouraged. Your voices are the powerful and stimulating winds that will keep this vessel afloat. Enjoy Shot From Guns.

– Taylor A. Northern

*To contact me about using any of the content from this site on your website or blog, e-mail me at tnorthern29@gmail.com

Musicians, managers, promoters, etc., please DO NOT e-mail albums for review. I do not like doing album reviews and prefer to avoid them.

However, I am more than willing to list your upcoming shows and events on the show calendar if I dig your music. And send me a flyer, I can post it.